JEFF SCOTT SOTO: Australian Shows Cancelled

October 15, 2007

Legendary hard rock vocalist Jeff Scott Soto's (ex-YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, JOURNEY, TALISMAN) official web site has been updated with the following message:

"We are sad to announce the two JSS Australian dates have been cancelled due to a possible addition to Jeff's schedule which we will announce here soon. Unfortunately the importance of this upcoming news coincides with the dates originally booked and there are plans to rebook as soon as possible. Apologies to all abroad who were looking forward to the shows, Jeff is sorely disappointed but will surely make it up soon."

Upcoming Jeff Scott Soto shows:

Oct. 21 - Big Bowling - Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Oct. 24 - Niceto Club - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Oct. 25 - Opera 1 Master - Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Oct. 26 - Hard N Heavy Party - Sao Paulo, Brazil
Nov. 24 - The Corporation - Sheffield, UK
Nov. 26 – JB's - Dudley, UK
Nov. 27 - Cathouse - Glasgow, UK
Nov. 28 - Islington Academy - London, UK
Nov. 30 - The Rosetta - Belfast, UK
Dec. 01 - [to be announced] - Newcastle, UK
Dec. 09 - The Brook - Southampton, UK

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